Environmental: Air Quality Permitting


Ninyo & Moore’s reputation for effective environmental permitting and licensing is undeniably unsurpassed throughout the southwest and nationwide. Our environmental engineers and regulatory experts have completed hundreds of projects to obtain agency approvals for a wide variety of facilities, activities, and associated environmental releases. Our extensive knowledge of the application requirements, combined with a systematic approach to preparing administratively complete application documents after close consultation with the permitting agency, has allowed our clients to minimize the lead-time prior to commencement of construction or operations.

We have extensive experience with a full range of air quality permitting assignments, from local agency minor source permitting to federal preconstruction New Source Review projects. Our recent experience includes dozens of major source permitting efforts under the federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment Area New Source Review (NNSR) involving emissions quantification, off-site impact dispersion modeling, emission offsets and in-plant netting exercises, control technology (e.g. BACT/LAER/ MACT) evaluations, and identification of monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements. In addition, we have prepared numerous Title IV (acid rain) and Title V (state operating permit) applications for a wide variety of industrial, commercial, military, and governmental sources throughout the United States.

NINYO & MOORE We transform today so our world is a better place tomorrow.